
Here are the most recent releases and changes of cytomulate. Currently, we’re still under developmet. Therefore, we don’t have any official releases. However, check out our git history to see what we’re doing!

Latest Release


Welcome to Cytomulate v0.2.0! Hooray! We are not only bringing documentation enhancements, but we are also introducing a new feature for more accurate simulations!

Changes and New Features

  • The utilities.univariate_noise_model() method:
    • Added half_normal option to the noise_distribution parameter

    • Changed the default noise_distribution to uniform (This is a breaking change because of the benefits to simulated results).

    • A warning is given when no user-specified noise_distribution is supplied to warn the breaking change

  • Added the utilities.estimate_noise_model() method to estimate the noise present in the data

  • Added a built-in estimation procedure to match the amount of zeroes observed in the dataset


  • Added 4 more detailed tutorials on our documentation website

  • Improved docstrings with more details on key parameters

  • Updated the lastest references and links